About the Journal

Editorial Board


Gunther Eysenbach, MD, MPH, FACMI

Adjunct Professor, School of Health Information Science, University of Victoria (Canada)

email: (do not use email for submissions - submissions are only accepted via our web-based submission system)

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Editorial Board Members/Section Editors

Join the Editorial Board

"Medicine 2.0" (ISSN 1923-2195, Medline Abbreviation: Med 2.0) is the official proceedings publication of the Medicine 2.0 Congress (World Congress on Social Media in Health, Medicine, Health, and Biomedical Research), and other events, workshops and tutorials promoted under the Medicine 2.0 label. As such, the Editorial Board consists of former Medicine 2.0 conference chairs and SPC members (Scientific Program Committee) of past conferences, which are listed below.

John Ainsworth

University of Manchester, United Kingdom

Helen Atherton 

University of Oxford, United Kingdom

Julia V Bailey

University College London, United Kingdom 

Mark S Boguski

Resounding Health Incorporated and Celebrity Diagnosis LLC, United States

Carol S Bond

Bournemouth University, United Kingdom  

Iain Buchan

Director, Northwest Institute for BioHealth Informatics, United Kingdom

Prajesh Narendra Chhanabhai

University of Otago, New Zealand

Larry F Chu

Stanford University, United States

Kevin A. Clauson

Nova Southeastern University, College of Pharmacy, United States

Dave Debronkart

Society for Participatory Medicine, United States

Lucien Engelen

Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, Netherlands

Gunther Eysenbach

Centre for Global eHealth Innovation, University Health Network, Canada

Luis Fernandez Luque

NORUT and University of Tromso, Norway 

Susannah Fox

Pew Research Center's Internet and American Life Project, United States

Francisco J Grajales III

University of British Columbia, Canada

Lisa Gualtieri

Tufts University School of Medicine, United States

Vanessa Hack

University College London, United Kingdom

Michael Halaas 

Stanford University School of Medicine, United States

Margaret M Hansen

University of San Francisco, United States

Lorna Hobbs

University College London, United Kingdom

Thomas K Houston

University of Alabama at Birmingham, United States

Stephen Intille

Northeastern University, United States

Bassam Kadry

Stanford University School of Medicine, United States 

Viji Kurup

Yale University, United States

Jen S McCabe

OrganizedWisdom, NextHealth (NL), Contagion Health, United States 

Talya Miron Shatz 

Wharton, United States

Elizabeth Murray

University College London, United Kingdom

Peter J Murray

IMIA, United Kingdom

Braden O'Neil

Department of Primary Care Health Sciences, University of Oxford, United Kingdom

Hans C. Ossebaard

RIVM - Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment; University of Twente, Netherlands

Chris Paton

University of Oxford, United Kingdom

Francesco Pinciroli

eHealthLAB - Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Henry Potts

University College London, United Kingdom 

John Powell

University of Oxford, United Kingdom

John Stafford

Director of Internet Strategy, Stanford University School of Medicine, United States

Lisette Van Gemert-Pijnen

University of Twente, Netherlands

Paul Wallace 

University College London Medical School, United Kingdom

Paul Wicks

PatientsLikeMe.com, United States 

Jeremy Wyatt

Yorkshire Centre for Health Informatics, United Kingdom

Lucy Yardley

University of Southampton, United Kingdom